Sunday 14 July 2013

Insanity review week 3

Hey everyone,

Here is my review of week 3 of Insanity.

The beginning of week 3 you take your second fit test and I did but my results were pitiful lol I mostly got the same results as last time and some were worse than the first time. But oh well I might do better next time.

As of how I feel after week 3 well even though my results were pitiful the last few days of week 3 I noticed that I was getting a lot less tired doing the workouts more particularly on the warm ups because the warms are very tiring. I still get tired but just not so much with doing the warm up routines and my heart rate doesn't seem to go as crazy as it used to, I'm gradually getting more and more fit as I go along as in I felt more fit after week 3 compared to week 2.

I notice some changes in the way my body looks. I really hope I'm not imagining things but my lower body looks different and my belly looks toned but it hasn't really shrunk. My body just looks different compared to when I first started. I really hope this is not wishful thinking! I don't know I just find that I look different when I wear my skinny jeans I also find that they have loosened but only a tiny, tiny bit not so much. I think my body might be taking some shape, well I'll have to see after I take my second picture after week 2 as I did take a picture after week 1.

And that's that for my review of week 3 Stay tuned for how week 4 went. Catch you all later!


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