Saturday 15 June 2013

Collective clothing haul!

Hey guys.

I know I haven't been posting much but since I've gotten some new clothes I just thought I'd share what got in the last few months.

Firstly I went to Target and I finally got some new jeans but this time I got them in in a size 12 because they fit more better than the size 14 ones so yeah I'm officially a size 12 now yay! they are the same as the last Jeans that I got from the last haul but just in different colours.  And I also got two new jumpers.

Today I went to JayJays and bought 2 new dresses because I have a singing workshop coming up and I really needed something to wear so I got this lavender colored dress for the workshop and I got myself this really nice leopard print dress just to spoil myself but of  course I need to keep getting new clothes as many of the stuff in my wardrobe just doesn't fit well anymore.

Oh yes and I also bought these leggings. I got these a while ago like 4 or 3 weeks ago I think, before I got my other pairs of jeans any way I got them from that same store where I got my other clothes my previous haul but it was basically that store that sold the cheap stuff. I still can't recall the name of that store but this is what they look like.

And I also got this a week ago my mum bought it for my actually because she saw it and thought I'd like it and it is this leopard print hoody. Gosh you can tell by now that I really love stuff in leopard print I am such a sucker for leopard print let me tell you lol

And that is it for what I got. I didn't get everything in one go, this is just what I got throughout the last few months. Some of the stuff I got was on sale, all the jeans I got were on sale and those two dresses I got were on sale too. I'll probably be getting more stuff later but not too soon. I must say though it feels so rewarding when you buy new clothes especially when you've lost weight, I also find that that helps encourage me more to keep at it. Well that's it for it now I will be posting a few more blogs soon because I have lot of stuff I wanna share with you all so stay tuned. Hope you all are doing great and reaching your goals.



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