Hey everyone
Here is my review of week 8 for insanity.
I haven't got much to say about it but this week I still feel the same the workouts are just so tough. I did the fit test again and I didn't do very well I find that I always fail miserably when I do the fit test. but anyway there's still one more fit test to complete so I'll have to see how I go on that one.
I went to the mall today and I popped into a high end store called Meyers today and I tried on a size 10 dress just to check if I could fit in one and it fit! so I am officially a size 10 I have reached my dress size goal because my goal was to be a size 10 and now I am, and I am so happy about that because now I can shop anywhere! lol Also when I looked at myself in the changing room mirrors I noticed that my body looked very different as in it looked more toned than usual. I think my hard work is really paying off! yay! I'm already heading close to my goals. But this is never gonna be over as I still have to be very cautious about what I eat because after all this is a lifestyle change, not a one-off.
Well I only have one more week left of this exercise program I can't believe that I only have one week left as it feels like I have been on this program for more than 2 months even though its been less than that it really feels like there's gonna be no end to it!
And that's all I have to say about week 8 sorry it's not much but I just feel the same as last week only difference is I've become a bit stronger in some of the plank workouts but still I Got as tired as I did the last week. Once I finish the workout I just get so worn out and tired and it feels like that every week of the second month because your energy just goes through the roof.
and that's that catch you all later!
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