Monday, 26 August 2013

Insanity review week 9 and last and final overall review + photos!

Hello again everyone,

Well my Insanity journey is now officially over I have completed this program so now I am going to talk about my last week then I will give an overall review.

Ok first I must say the last week I felt a lot more stronger in the workouts I didn't get too tired. The workouts were still really tough but I managed to get a little more stronger in them but I always struggled with the power jumps and with certain push up exercise like the side push ups and oblique push ups I struggled with going all the way down.  but overall my strongest week for month 2 was the last week, the first few were the hardest weeks and that's all I can say about this week really. My last and final fit test again did not go so well no matter how hard I tried I just could not get better results for some reason so I'm slightly disappointed about that, but on the plus side I also measured my waist and I'm close to 33 inches around my waist!

Now for my overall review. I really think this is a really great program to do if you want to challenge yourself more in your workouts or you want to tone up, lose bit more weight and be more flexable then, this is a great program because Insanity is not just cardio, you also do strength exercises and there's even a bit of yoga involved. So if you purchase this set be aware that its not cardio alone that you will be doing.

However I personally would not recommend this if you are totally new to working out or if you have never done exercise before in your life because it is very difficult, so if you are new to exercise and you are thinking of getting this program I say start with something a little bit easier first. Overall I recommend this if you are a little more advanced with exercise. But that is just my personal opinion because I found the workouts in this DVD set were extremely harder than other workouts I did in the past. Also if you have heart problems than I don't think this will be a good idea for you, but of course consult your doctor first BEFORE you buy this DVD as you don't want to waste any money!

Now to answer your question whether this DVD will make you completely skinny/buff in 2 months well yes you will get stronger and you will get some great results as for me though yes I've noticed some pretty amazing results but since my tummy area is my trouble zone, I didn't lose all of my belly fat but some of it has gone as I have lost nearly 2 inches off my waist. But keep in mind though I did NOT take the recommended recovery formula, I did NOT take shakeology and I did NOT follow the recommended diet plan so I don't know for sure if using all that and following the recommended diet plan will give you the results you want. One thing I must say though, I don't want to sound discouraging but I am just being honest, I mean you will see great results but if you are around 89 kilos or  90 kilos you are not going to lose all of the weight you want because it takes more than 2 months to lose around 30 kilos or more, so keep that in mind. Don't get me wrong you will still at least see some results. But please don't think that you will look like Jillian Micheals or Michelle Bridges after this workout if you are around 65 to 90 kilos or more or your if you are like me and your tummy area is your trouble zone. When it comes to wanting to look like that it really depends on where your body is at for instance if you are around 60 or 59 kilos that might happen if lets say you want to lose 2 kilos and you want to get a six pack. You can also do the program again  if you want more results as I am actually thinking of doing Insanity again but not anytime soon as I really feel I could use a break from it and there are also other workout DVDs that I want to try and also there are some really good YouTube workout videos that I want to try out for a while.

Overall I think think this DVD set was worth doing I have no regrets doing it as later in the future I might give it another go. Even though my body is not where I want it to be yet it still helped me lose at least some inches around my waist, helped to tone my body up really well, made me become more flexible and helped me reach a size 10.  I'm just glad that it has at least given some benefit with my figure as I find I look best than I ever did before but of course still its not where I want it to be yet.

So here are my before and after photos:

After the first week side

After the first week front

After the first month front

After the second month side

After the second month front

After the second month side

Now the cost of the DVD set!
I bought my set from Ebay and I think from what I can remember it was around $84 or $85 AUD it was not cheap but I think it was worth the money anyway as I can still do the workout again, You also might be able to get them a little bit cheaper like remember seeing ones that were around $60 AUD you'll have to check Ebay out though to see for yourself, I also know that sells copies. But if you want to get it cheaper try looking at Ebay because sometimes you will find good deal you can also check to see if its on sale, Amazon might also have it cheaper.

Oh and just to let you I am NOT sponsored by beachbody, I did not profit from them in anyway as I mentioned I bought this with my own money. This is my own personal review.

Anyway that's it for my last and final review of Insanity I hope this review was useful. If you have done this workout program feel free to share your experience in the comment section as I would love to see how it worked out for other people as everybody is different.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Insanity review week 8/ dress size update

Hey everyone

Here is my review of week 8 for insanity.

I haven't got much to say about it but this week I still feel the same the workouts are just so tough. I did the fit test again and I didn't do very well I find that I always fail miserably when I do the fit test. but anyway there's still one more fit test to complete so I'll have to see how I go on that one.

I went to the mall today and I popped into a high end store called  Meyers today and I tried on a size 10 dress just to check if I could fit in one and it fit! so I am officially a size 10 I have reached my dress size goal because my goal was to be a size 10 and now I am, and I am so happy about that because now I can shop anywhere! lol Also when I looked at myself in the changing room mirrors I noticed that my body looked very different as in it looked more toned than usual. I think my hard work is really paying off! yay! I'm already heading close to my goals. But this is never gonna be over as I still have to be very cautious about what I eat because after all this is a lifestyle change, not a one-off.

Well I only have one more week left of this exercise program I can't believe that I only have one week left as it feels like I have been on this program for more than 2 months even though its been less than that it really feels like there's gonna be no end to it!

And that's all I have to say about week 8 sorry it's not much but I just feel the same as last week only difference is I've become a bit stronger in some of the plank workouts but still I  Got as tired as I did the last week. Once I finish the workout I just get so worn out and tired and it feels like that every week of the second month because your energy just goes through the roof.

and that's that catch you all later!


Saturday, 10 August 2013

Insanity Review week 7

Hey everyone!

Here is my week 7 review of insanity. I haven't really got much to say about it but I must say month 2 so far of this is very exhausting! like at times when I am not working out I still feel really exhausted from the workouts. like even right now particularly my thighs feel really sore. I find that my muscles get most sore in month 2 compared to month one. I haven't gotten very used to the workouts just yet I must say But I am getting better at doing push ups but boy it really makes you sore.

I have been recently told by a few people that I look a lot slimmer now and I lost a few inches off my bust I was 37 inches now I'm 35 inches so yes I am losing my boobs!(I hope I don't lose them completely!)  I also notice that I am starting to look a lot more slimmer as my new jeans are a lot more loose on me now my belly is not gone yet but I notice my abdomen it looks more flat and toned and I have lost one more inch I was 35 inches now I'm 34 inches. So I'm wondering whether I may have lost weight, but will find out about that next month when I weigh myself again.

I only have 2 more weeks left of this program now I can't believe I am already halfway through the second month. Time really flies by two more weeks and this is over! I will be posting a picture of what I look like once I'm done with this workout program.

That's all I have to say about week 7

catch you all later


Sunday, 4 August 2013

Insanity Review week 6

Hey everybody

Time to share my review on how week 6 of Insanity went for me. Okay well all I have to say is it was CRAZY! LOL yep crazy I cannot tell how sore my muscles were in the first week. The month 2 are so much more crazy compared to month one. While I was doing the first work out I could not stop thinking "oh god I can't believe it's not over! when's this gonna end!"

I must really struggled in the first week because the workouts are just so insane, the first day of month one was really tough for me as I struggled the most in that one. Once you're done with month one you really have to brace yourself for next exercises you do in month two because it just gets crazier!

Oh yes I almost forgot I did the fit test as well and I did a little bit better than last time but some exercises were the same results and some were not improved at all but some were improved.

As for how its changed my body there are no changes yet at least I don't notice any and in case you missed my last post from Thursday morning. Did I lose weight? Nope, I did not lose any weight I was slightly disappointed about that but that could also mean that I may have developed muscle mass as I found out a bit later that when you lose weight and you exercise your weight can stay the same uncontrollably because of muscle gain and I could gain weight from doing this exercise but NOT fat weight MUSCLE WEIGHT and that is actually a good thing so knowing that makes me feel a bit better but then again I'm also wondering whether I may have miscalculated the calories I burnt in the insanity workouts to a point where I am maintaining my weight which I don't want to do just yet. I will have to see what will happen once the month is over. I also read in the recipe book that comes with set that the scale is not very accurate as it doesn't tell you everything that goes with your body. I also checked my waist line and it hasn't changed yet after the first week. I think its already too soon for changes though so we'll see.

So that's week 6 for ya catch you all soon
