Friday 17 May 2013

For all you pizza lovers out there!

Hey guys,

Back again with another post for you. I am going to share with you guys this recipe that I really enjoy, its not originally my own idea as I found out about this idea quite a while ago. I have no idea who the original creator of this idea from. Anyway this recipe I'm gonna share with you is a pizza recipe. I am a big pizza lover, I love, love pizza! It's one of my favorite foods out there along side Mexican food, such as tacos and burritos. This recipe was like a life saver for me because, it kept me from being deprived in my journey. If you have an all time favorite food its always best to find a way you can cook it low calorie/low sodium/low fat. And this is a great way to enjoy eating pizza without those extra calories because 4 slice of pizza from Dominos or Pizza Hut is around over 600 calories or sometimes more and usually for a whole regular pizza it will be over 1,000 calories. This pizza however only costed me 289 calories which is only 11 or 10 calories away from 300 calories (excuse my terrible maths I don't know whether its 11 or 10 calories away lol)
This is one I made and it looks so yummy, and it was yummy!

Here are the steps on how I made this pizza in the above picture.

1. First things first the base. I used a wholemeal pita pocket. You can also use a tortilla wrap, Lebanese bread those bases are quite low in calories the one I used was 168 calories.

2. The next thing is the sauce, try and find a pizza sauce that is very low in sugar and sodium. I used the Leggo's pizza sauce which only had 1 gram of sugar for the whole serve of that pizza above in the picture I made. You can also use salsa, sometimes I will use old el paso salsa as my pizza sauce.

3. And of course you have your choice of toppings, I mostly use olives, bell peppers, mushrooms and sometimes onions. I also like to use pineapples as well. You can use any kind of topping. If you eat meat you can use pepperoni, ham, chicken etc. try to opt for something lean though.

4. Last but not least, no pizza is complete without the cheese! I always use reduced fat mozzarella sometimes I will use a little bit of bocconcini cheese. If You are Vegan you can use soy cheese or almond cheese, any kind of vegan cheese that is available.

And once you're done with all these steps, in to the oven it goes and all you have to do is wait for  the cheese to melt and brown up a bit then its ready to be sliced, served and eaten.

And that's all for now hope you enjoyed this quick post. have a great day/sleep/ afternoon whatever time of day it is.


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