Thursday, 3 October 2013

What weight loss means to me & losing weight for the right and wrong reasons

Hi everyone,

This topic was in my mind a lot latey and I thought it would be a great thing to talk about on my blog.

First things first what weight loss means to me

To me weight loss is more serious than looking awesome in designer clothing, rocking the skinny jeans or looking hot in a bikini. I'll admit I like to look good too but losing weight is about making your life better and longer. I am 23 years old and I think looking after yourself at this age is important because its better to start now rather than later because type 2 diabetes runs in my family and I personally do not wanna catch it. I look at this journey as a life saver, Because losing weight can really save your life and I feel I've saved my own life because had I have continued to overeat I would've cut my life short. I look at my family members and I see how difficult their life is having to pump insulin into their veins and I just do not wanna have that hassle of doing that every single day. That is not how I want to live my life. I also want to be fit when I'm older. To put this all in a nut shell weight loss to me means more confidence, a longer life and most importantly a healthy life.

Now losing weight for the right and wrong reasons

I've seen this topic spoken about before on other blogs, so I decided to add my 2 cents on this one. If you are losing weight to impress someone or only to look good or because you've gotten bullied, I ask that you stop and think whether its worth it, I am not saying that you shouldn't lose weight but this is where you need to think more about yourself. Why do I say this? well because losing weight is a thing that is personal, its not for your boyfriend, girlfriend or who ever. Remember how I said earlier in the post that weight loss to me means more than good looks well I find that to be true because IT IS, your body looking good is a sign that you are doing the right thing for YOURSELF so therefore you should lose weight for YOURSELF. Don't do it to impress anyone it is you who needs to be impressed first, you need to please yourself first before you can please anybody else. I know it sounds selfish but that is what weight loss is, its all about you and doing whats best for you and you are the only one who knows whats best for you. Plus it is something your life depends on because it involves your health. It is not the same as getting a breast augmentation or botox or nose surgery because those are all 100% superficial things weight loss is not 100% superficial more than half of it is health while the rest of it is superficial. Fair enough if you are doing it to look fab but do it more for your own health, don't only do it for the looks.

Also trying to look like someone else, like lets say you wanna look like Halle Berry , JLo, Beyonce, Kim Kardashian or Angelina Jolie then you are making the wrong decision because when you lose all your weight you are not gonna look like them. You need to accept what you will really look like when you lose all your weight. And you need to be comfortable with how you will look like naturally when you lose all the weight that you want to lose. There is nothing wrong with wanting to lose weight but don't set unrealistic goals because that is where you are losing weight for the wrong reasons. In the end when you make goals like that you end up letting yourself down. I personally recommend that you don't cut a photo of your face out and stick it on a photo of someone else's body because you are hurting yourself  when you do that. I have done something similar to that in the past and when I look back I realised how mean I was being to myself and after I did that I would just cry. I'll admit I never liked being overweight for how it made me look but that was not the only  reason why I wanted to lose weight. Anyway when you want to lose weight because of your health and how it makes you feel than I say those are the right reasons as that pertains to only you and no one else. But the main thing is if you are not happy at all with being overweight like how I was then just go for it, but don't beat yourself up about looking ugly. Focus mostly on what you need to do first don't think too much about what you will look like after your journey, don't think about results as in don't be too result driven. I mean it is good to have an idea of what you will look like when you lose the weight but don't think about it too much, like I said earlier don't think that you will look like your favorite celebrity because that is thinking about it too much and you will end up hurting yourself in the end, think about what you will really look like after you lose the weight, this is where you have to be realistic with your goals. Remember everybody has a different a body shape/bone structure. For example your friend has really wide hips and you wish you had wide hips, but yours are more narrow, you have to accept that because that is where genetics plays a big role, so its good to accept your body the way it is, yes losing weight might help emphasize your hips, but for the main part accept it for what it is at the end of the day you can still enhance it by wearing the right kind of clothing but also having narrow hips can look nice too. I recommend that before you lose weight to study your own build/body structure because that will give you more of an idea of what your body will look when you reach your goal. As I mentioned several posts back genetics does not play a big role when it comes to weight however it DOES play a big role when it comes to your own natural shape/bone structure, because that is something that you cannot change unless you have plastic surgery, its like your facial features you can't change your eyes, your nose or your mouth without cosmetic surgery so its better to accept your shape for what it is as its no different. After all it's what makes you unique. For example I used to hate having a big chest when I was a teen but up until my early 20s I began to accept them because other women wanted to have a big chest and despite losing so much weight I still have a big chest even though they have gotten smaller they are still big for my shape but now I've learn't that its one of my best features.

One more thing I would like to say is don't become underweight either because that is not pretty at all. Set a weight goal that is appropriate for your own height and shape. Please avoid trying to look like those sickly skinny high fashion models you see in those magazines because you can get very sick and its just as bad as being overweight because its not healthy.  If you are trying to look like that, then you need to stop as that is a very unrealistic goal, its also an unhealthy goal as those type of models don't live a very good life because they get forced to be that way and they get treated very badly and unfairly by the industry. Trust me you really do not want to be a size 0. Also don't just lose weight, build muscle too because that is healthy and will keep you a healthy weight as it weighs more than fat does anyway.

Remember looks don't make you who you are but if you like to look good, don't feel bad, everybody likes to look good even I do, I also chose to lose weight because I wanted to look good too and there is nothing wrong with that as long as you don't get too obsessed and you're doing it for yourself and your health than that's great. But remember there is no such thing as the perfect look even celebrities who look fab or people with those killer six pack abs aren't perfect looking, nor are the models that you see in magazines. Lets not forget that people in magazines get photo shopped as well and that celebrities and rich people can afford a personal trainer and surgery, but at the end of the day they are just ordinary people like us they are no different from you they just have a life where they can afford everything they want, but they're life is also not perfect as they also, like those high fashion models are pressured to look good and are also treated unfairly by the industry but mostly by the paparazzi this is why I personally hate reading/buying tabloid magazines and visiting tabloid websites, so please don't get jealous of celebrities, heck don't get jealous of anyone! We live in a society that is obsessed with perfect looks and deems looks to be everything which is tough mostly on us women as well as men. I want to share some songs with you that I think you will love. I was just listening to them earlier and the message is simple
"People are all the same, and we only get judged by what we do"
The Sugababes sang this song called "Ugly". I know its kind of ironic sharing songs like this and the other I'm about to share on a blog that encourages you to lose weight but I find the message in this song very powerful because it really is true that we only get judged by what we do. But the thing is these songs are about how you must never change to impress anybody. Plus sometimes people say things to make you feel bad and that makes it nice to share things like this, as stuff like this happens to people everyday.

And then there is this song by one of my favorite 90's girl groups TLC this song is called "unpretty" I find this lyric line so strong,because  it reminds me so much of my teenage years when I went through terrible peer pressure, I actually find this song the soundtrack of my life 10 years ago when I was 13 because at that age I always cared too much about my looks and was told by other people that I was fat even though I wasn't at that time.

My outsides look cool
My insides are blue
Everytime I think I'm through
It's because of you
I've tried different ways 
But it's all the same
At the end of the day 
I have myself to blame
I'm just trippin'

To me this quote from the song explains why you must never change to please anyone else but yourself.

Last but not least the world would be a boring place if everyone looked identical. All in all change yourself for the better and not for the materialistic reasons.

I hope you enjoyed this post. I know it was very long, although I really hope it was worth reading  as I find sharing these things very important.

Stay strong and never give up on your journey.


Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Spiced Pumpkin and fetta salad

Hello again!

I have another recipe to share with you all. I really hope you enjoy it. I just had it for lunch today and I literally surprised myself today because I made this dish before and it was alright but I kicked it up a notch and it tasted fantastic! I didn't think it would come out that good. If you are a big fan of pumpkin I really think that you will love this recipe. This is also very low calorie, like the last recipe I posted, it is under 200 hundred calories and its also filling as I find pumpkin to be quite filling, so its a perfect dish to have on your journey. I 'm sorry to all vegans but this recipe has fetta cheese in it and I don't know what can replace fetta but I suppose you can make it without the cheese as the pumpkin itself tastes fantastic.

Here is what you will need:

1 cup or one cup and a half of sliced frozen or fresh pumpkin.
1 teaspoon of olive oil
1 garlic glove crushed, you can also use pre-packaged crushed garlic
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon or tablespoon(adjust to your own taste) of sweet paprika
A pinch of pepper
A pinch of salt
25g of smooth reduced fat fetta cheese
1/2 cup of spinach
1/2 cup of rocket
A drizzle of balsamic vinaigrette

If you can't find rocket anywhere you can just use spinach alone. You can also use kale.

Here is how to cook it

1. Heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan, then add the pumpkin and fry it till it softens a little, if you are using frozen pumpkin fry it till the frost on it goes away and softens a little.

2. Add garlic and fry in for a few seconds then add the onion powder, paprika, salt and pepper and stir it till the pumpkin caramalises.

3. Take the pumpkin off the heat and leave it to cool for five minutes and meanwhile grab a bowl and place your spinach and rocket in a bowl, grab your fetta cheese and crumble it over the spinach and rocket.

4. Once the pumpkin has cooled down place it on top of the salad and drizzle with balsamic vinaigrette, mix and enjoy!

BTW the pumpkin itself would go great in a sandwich!

Hope you enjoyed this recipe, feel free to let me know if you've tried it out, I'd love to know what you think.
